Shipping Policy
Most goods are shipped out within 24 hours. We usually confirm the order by emailing a copy of the sales order. We don't bill credit cards until the item ships and at that time we issue an invoice and email the invoice which includes the tracking number the same day it goes out. Our default shipper is Federal Express Ground service. Upgraded service options are available. Customers can request that we use their shipping account number and the carrier of their choice. We can drop ship at the customer's request as well.
LTL shipments use different carriers depending on where the customer is. We always shop the best rate and check on the need for a lift gate. There is a fee for lift gate service and residential service. All Portable Vacuum Systems are shipped via freight line.
International Shipping Powered by
We have partnered with Bongo International to service our international customers.
Once you have created your shopping Cart, choose the "Outside The US?" button. You will be automatically transferred to Bongo's Secure International Checkout page where you will be provided with international shipping costs as well as duties and taxes for your shipment.
Upon completion of your order, Bongo will charge your credit card for the entire purchase. We will ship the goods to Bongo's Global Distribution Facility where Bongo will process the order and transport the goods to your international address. There are no additional fees or registration processes with this service.